Source code for confiddler.core

import io
import copy
from os import PathLike
from pathlib import Path
from import Mapping, Sequence

from jsonschema import validators
from jsonschema.exceptions import _Error, ValidationError
from ruamel.yaml.compat import ordereddict
from ruamel.yaml.comments import CommentedMap, CommentedSeq
from ruamel.yaml import YAML, RoundTripRepresenter
yaml = YAML()
yaml.default_flow_style = False

from . import json

# Remove comparability of ValidationError and SchemaError,
# and endow them with hashability instead.
# Otherwise they can choke pytest.
# See
_Error.__eq__ = object.__eq__
_Error.__ne__ = object.__ne__
_Error.__hash__ = object.__hash__

[docs]def load_config(path_or_file, schema={}, inject_defaults=True): """ Convenience wrapper around :py:func:`validate()`. (This function accepts a file). Load the config data from the given file (or path to a file), and validate it against the given schema. All missing values will be inserted from schema defaults. If a setting is missing and the schema contains no default value for it, a ``ValidationError`` is raised. Note: If your config data is already loaded into a dict and you just want to validate it and/or inject defaults, see :py:func:`validate()`. Args: path_or_file: The raw config data. Either a file object or a file path. schema: The config schema, already loaded into a Python ``dict``. Returns: ``dict`` """ assert isinstance(schema, Mapping), \ "Invalid schema type: should be a dict of jsonschema specs" if isinstance(path_or_file, str): path_or_file = Path(path_or_file) def _load_config(f, schema): config = yaml.load(f) validate(config, schema, inject_defaults=inject_defaults) return config if isinstance(path_or_file, PathLike): with open(path_or_file, 'r') as f: return _load_config(f, schema) else: return _load_config(path_or_file, schema)
def dump_config(config_data, path_or_file=None): """ Convenience wrapper for YAML().dump() Dump the given config data to the given path or file. If no path or file is given, return it as a string. """ if path_or_file is None: f = io.StringIO() yaml.dump(config_data, f) return f.getvalue() elif isinstance(path_or_file, (str, PathLike)): with open(path_or_file, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(config_data, f) else: yaml.dump(config_data, path_or_file)
[docs]def dump_default_config(schema, f=None, format="yaml"): #@ReservedAssignment """ Convenience wrapper around :py:func:`emit_defaults()`. (This function writes to a file). Dump the default config settings from the given schema. Settings without default values will use ``"{{NO_DEFAULT}}"`` as a placeholder. Args: schema: The config schema f: File object to which default config data will be dumped. If ``None``, then the default config is returned as a string. format: Either ``"json"``, ``"yaml"``, or ``"yaml-with-comments"``. The ``"yaml-with-comments"`` format inserts comments above each setting, populated with the setting's ``"description"`` field from the schema. Returns: ``None``, unless no file was provided, in which case the default config is returned as a string. """ assert format in ("json", "yaml", "yaml-with-comments") if f is None: output_stream = io.StringIO() else: output_stream = f if format == "json": default_instance = emit_defaults( schema ) json.dump( default_instance, output_stream, indent=4 ) else: default_instance = emit_defaults( schema, (format == "yaml-with-comments"), 2 ) yaml.dump(default_instance, output_stream ) if f is None: return output_stream.getvalue()
[docs]def emit_defaults(schema, include_yaml_comments=False, yaml_indent=2, base_cls=None, *args, **kwargs): """ Emit all default values for the given schema. Similar to calling ``validate({}, schema, inject_defaults=True)``, except: 1. Ignore schema validation errors and 'required' property errors 2. If no default is given for a property, inject ``"{{NO_DEFAULT}}"``, even if the property isn't supposed to be a string. 3. If ``include_yaml_comments`` is True, insert ``CommentedMap`` objects instead of ordinary dicts, and insert a comment above each key, with the contents of the property ``"description"`` in the schema. Args: schema: The schema data to pull defaults from include_yaml_comments: Whether or not to return ``ruamel.yaml`` objects so that comments will be written when the data is dumped to YAML. yaml_indent: To ensure correctly indented comments, you must specify the indent step you plan to use when this data is eventually dumped as yaml. Returns: A copy of instance, with default values injected, and comments if specified. """ instance = {} if include_yaml_comments: instance = CommentedMap(instance) instance.key_indent = 0 # monkey-patch! if "description" in schema: instance.yaml_set_start_comment('\n' + schema["description"] + '\n\n') else: instance = dict(instance) if base_cls is None: base_cls = validators.validator_for(schema) base_cls.check_schema(schema) def is_object(checker, instance): return ( base_cls.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, "object") or isinstance(instance, (ordereddict, CommentedMap)) ) def is_array(checker, instance): return ( base_cls.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, "array") or isinstance(instance, CommentedSeq) ) # By default, jsonschema expects JSON objects to be of type 'dict'. # We also want to permit ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq and CommentedMap type_checker = base_cls.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine_many( {"object": is_object, "array": is_array} ) cls = validators.extend(base_cls, type_checker=type_checker) # Add default-injection behavior to the validator cls = extend_with_default_without_validation(cls, include_yaml_comments, yaml_indent) extended_validator = cls(schema, *args, **kwargs) # Inject defaults. extended_validator.validate(instance) return instance
[docs]def validate(instance, schema, base_cls=None, *args, inject_defaults=False, **kwargs): """ Drop-in replacement for ``jsonschema.validate()``, with the following extended functionality: - Specifically allow types from ``ruamel.yaml.comments`` - If ``inject_defaults`` is ``True``, this function *modifies* the instance IN-PLACE to fill missing properties with their schema-provided default values. See the `jsonschema FAQ <>`_ for details and caveats. """ if base_cls is None: base_cls = validators.validator_for(schema) base_cls.check_schema(schema) def is_object(checker, instance): return ( base_cls.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, "object") or isinstance(instance, (ordereddict, CommentedMap)) ) def is_array(checker, instance): return ( base_cls.TYPE_CHECKER.is_type(instance, "array") or isinstance(instance, CommentedSeq) ) # By default, jsonschema expects JSON objects to be of type 'dict'. # We also want to permit ruamel.yaml.comments.CommentedSeq and CommentedMap type_checker = base_cls.TYPE_CHECKER.redefine_many( {"object": is_object, "array": is_array} ) cls = validators.extend(base_cls, type_checker=type_checker) if inject_defaults: # Add default-injection behavior to the validator cls = extend_with_default(cls) # Validate and inject defaults. validator = cls(schema, *args, **kwargs) validator.validate(instance)
def extend_with_default(validator_class): """ Helper function for validate(..., inject_defaults=True) This code was adapted from the jsonschema FAQ: Unlike extend_with_default_without_validation(), below, this function does not bother to convert the defaults to commented YAML types before injecting them. (The results of this function are not meant for pretty-printing.) """ validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"] validate_items = validator_class.VALIDATORS["items"] def _set_property_defaults(properties, instance): for property_name, subschema in properties.items(): if "default" in subschema: default = copy.deepcopy(subschema["default"]) if isinstance(default, dict): default = _Dict(default) default.from_default = True instance.setdefault(property_name, default) def set_defaults_and_validate(validator, properties, instance, schema): _set_property_defaults(properties, instance) for error in validate_properties(validator, properties, instance, schema): yield error def fill_in_default_array_items(validator, items_schema, instance, schema): if "default" in items_schema and isinstance(items_schema["default"], Mapping): new_items = [] for item in instance: if not isinstance(item, Mapping): new_items.append(item) else: default = copy.deepcopy(items_schema["default"]) default = _Dict(default) if item == {}: # FIXME: Instead of a simple bool, it would be better to specify # WHICH properties in this dict were copied from the default value. default.from_default = True default.update(item) new_items.append(default) instance.clear() instance.extend(new_items) # Descend into array list for error in validate_items(validator, items_schema, instance, schema): yield error def check_required(validator, required, instance, schema): # We only check 'required' properties that don't have specified defaults for prop in required: if prop in instance: continue if prop not in schema['properties'] or 'default' not in schema['properties'][prop]: yield ValidationError("%r is a required property and has no default value in your schema" % prop) return validators.extend(validator_class, {"properties" : set_defaults_and_validate, "items": fill_in_default_array_items, "required": check_required}) def extend_with_default_without_validation(validator_class, include_yaml_comments=False, yaml_indent=2): """ Helper function for emit_defaults(), above. Similar to extend_with_default(), but does not validate (errors are ignored) and also uses yaml types (for printing). """ validate_properties = validator_class.VALIDATORS["properties"] validate_items = validator_class.VALIDATORS["items"] def set_default_object_properties_and_ignore_errors(validator, properties, instance, schema): _set_default_object_properties(properties, instance, include_yaml_comments, yaml_indent) for _error in validate_properties(validator, properties, instance, schema): # Ignore validation errors pass def fill_in_default_array_items(validator, items, instance, schema): if include_yaml_comments and items["type"] == "object": new_items = [] for item in instance: new_item = CommentedMap(item) new_item.key_indent = instance.key_indent + yaml_indent new_items.append(new_item) instance.clear() instance.extend(new_items) # Descend into array list for _error in validate_items(validator, items, instance, schema): # Ignore validation errors pass def ignore_required(validator, required, instance, schema): return return validators.extend( validator_class, { "properties" : set_default_object_properties_and_ignore_errors, "items": fill_in_default_array_items, "required": ignore_required } ) def _set_default_object_properties(properties, instance, include_yaml_comments, yaml_indent): """ Helper for extend_with_default_without_validation(). Inject default values for the given object properties on the given instance. """ for property_name, subschema in properties.items(): if instance == "{{NO_DEFAULT}}": continue if "default" in subschema: default = copy.deepcopy(subschema["default"]) if isinstance(default, list): try: # Lists of numbers should use 'flow style' # and so should lists-of-lists of numbers # (e.g. bounding boxes like [[0,0,0],[1,2,3]]) if ( subschema["items"]["type"] in ("integer", "number") or ( subschema["items"]["type"] == "array" and subschema["items"]["items"]["type"] in ("integer", "number") ) ): default = flow_style(default) except KeyError: pass if include_yaml_comments and isinstance(default, dict): default = CommentedMap(default) # To keep track of the current indentation level, # we just monkey-patch this member onto the dict. default.key_indent = instance.key_indent + yaml_indent default.from_default = True if include_yaml_comments and isinstance(default, list): if not isinstance(default, CommentedSeq): default = CommentedSeq(copy.copy(default)) # To keep track of the current indentation level, # we just monkey-patch this member onto the dict. default.key_indent = instance.key_indent + yaml_indent default.from_default = True if isinstance(instance, Mapping) and property_name not in instance: instance[property_name] = default else: if isinstance(instance, Mapping) and property_name not in instance: instance[property_name] = "{{NO_DEFAULT}}" if include_yaml_comments and "description" in subschema: comment = '\n' + subschema["description"] if comment[-1] == '\n': comment = comment[:-1] instance.yaml_set_comment_before_after_key(property_name, comment, instance.key_indent)
[docs]def flow_style(ob): """ This function can be used to fine-tune the format of exported YAML configs. (It is only needed rarely.) By default, :py:func:`dump_default_config()` uses 'block style': .. code-block:: python >>> schema = { "properties": { "names": { "default": ['a', 'b', 'c'] } } } >>> dump_default_config(schema, sys.stdout) names: - a - b - c But if you'd prefer for a particular value to be written with 'flow style', wrap it with ``flow_style()``: .. code-block:: python >>> from confiddler import flow_style >>> schema = { "properties": { "names": { "default": flow_style(['a', 'b', 'c']) } } } >>> dump_default_config(schema, sys.stdout) names: [a, b, c] """ sio = io.StringIO() yaml.dump(ob, sio) l = yaml.load(sio) l.fa.set_flow_style() assert l.fa.flow_style() return l
def convert_to_base_types(o): """ Convert the given container into a standard dict or list (recursively). This is useful if you need to pass your config to a function that is hard-coded to check for dicts or lists rather than Mapping or Sequence. """ if type(o) != dict and isinstance(o, Mapping): return { k: convert_to_base_types(v) for k,v in o.items() } if type(o) not in (list, str, bytes) and isinstance(o, Sequence): return [convert_to_base_types(i) for i in o] return o class _Dict(dict): """ This subclass allows us to tag dicts with a new attribute 'from_default' to indicate that the config sub-object was generated from scratch. (This is useful for figuring out which fields were user-provided and which were automatically supplied from the schema.) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.from_default = False RoundTripRepresenter.add_representer(_Dict, RoundTripRepresenter.represent_dict)